Saturday, April 26, 2008

Before you Start a Vertical Jump Training Program

So you are a good athlete but would like to jump a little higher. Wouldn't we all! Sports today is such a highly competitive field that the games are not decided by a matter of inches. The ability to dominate your opponent on the field or court because of a big vertical leap is a reality. So whether you are looking for volleyball scholarships, basketball scholarships or football scholarships here are a few vertical jump tips.

1)Power:Space shuttle doesn't launch into outer space with 50 horse power. So you must train on your power movements which include squats, deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts.

2) Flexibility- now that you've become much stronger from all of the power lifting you must retain your flexibility. As you do a lot of power lifting your hamstrings, glutes and quads will become very tight. It is important to properly stretch these muscles

3) Plyo's- well to put it simply you must jump. Lifting alone will not do it. You can have a very strong base but also be very slow. You must awaken these muscles by doing fast reactive exercises. Box jumps, knee ups, Russian freezes and full jumps with a full reach are all great exercises.

4) Core- you must have a strong core, period. That means abs and lower back. There are a million different ab exercises select a few and hit them hard, use weight and high reps. Lower back stick to hyperextensions and good mornings(either seated or standing). You must have a solid core if you think you're going to leave the ground. It's often overlooked but vital to jumping.

5) Cardio- if you are overweight you will not be a good leaper. Diet and cardio are the only way to lose weight. However, don't jog ten miles a day and expect to remain powerful. Use sprint intervals, shuttle runs, plyometrics and resistance jumping or sprinting.

This is a very quick intro to the world of the vertical jump. We will continue to write more detailed articles with specific exercises and weight and rep suggestions. Understand that it is not just a genetic gift to be a good leaper. You can definitely work and improve on your jumping ability but it takes time and dedication.
Next week we will be covering different programs to increase your vertical jump. Stay posted. Have a good week everyone.

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